Staying healthy is a unique challenge during cold and flu season.
And with the flu season upon us, we need to do all that we can to keep our immune systems operating at an optimal level. The most significant lifestyle considerations for the strength of the immune system are stress, exercise, sleep and diet.
Stress can significantly compromise the immune system, so it is crucial that you take steps to mitigate its harmful effects before they can affect your health. Regular exercise, yoga, Tai Chi or Qi Gong, meditation, prayer, acupuncture, deep breathing and other relaxation techniques are some of the most effective ways to reduce and manage stress.
In addition to being a potent stress reducer, exercise may also strengthen the immune system. Even a mild exercise program such as brisk walking (for 20 to 30 minutes, four to five days per week) has been shown to improve antibody and white blood cell function.
Inadequate sleep is a major factor that can weaken the immune system.
While eight hours of sleep per night is a general recommendation, actual sleep needs can vary from person to person.
Some people may be fine with fewer than eight hours; others may need a few hours more. The best method to determine whether you are getting sufficient sleep is to evaluate how you feel when you wake up in the morning. If you feel rested,refreshed, and rejuvenated, then you are likely getting enough sleep.
However, if you experience any of the following symptoms you may need more sleep: having difficulty getting out of bed, experiencing drowsiness later in the day, or requiring caffeine to function alertly. Proper rest is important as a preventive measure to keep the immune system strong. When you do get sick, proper rest is also helpful to shorten the duration of your illness.
A well-balanced diet is also essential for maintaining strong immunity. In particular, foods containing probiotics can be very helpful. For example, sauerkraut, kimchee and kombucha contain beneficial bacteria that strengthen the immune system.
Several key micronutrients have been shown to play a role in immunity, including Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and zinc. Weakened immune function has been linked with deficiencies of all these micronutrients.
Following these simple tips can help to keep the immune system strong and make this cold and flu season more bearable. For those who tend to frequently catch colds and the flu, consider taking steps to reduce stress and get better quality sleep.
Try to limit intake of alcohol, soda, and coffee. Also, minimizing or eliminating consumption of dairy, junk food, processed foods and simple sugars can be useful. If you do get sick with a cold or the flu, speak with practitioner about alternative cold and flu remedies; there are several natural remedies that can be effective at reducing the symptoms.
Acupuncture treatment can also be very helpful at boosting the effectiveness of the immune system and treating illness when it arises.