April 2019 News:
- Best of Cincinnati Award
- New Hours Starting May 6
- Acupuncture for Allergies
- Video: What is Qi?
- Nettle the Other Green Tea
- Upcoming Classes and Events
Voted Best Acupuncture Practice in Cincinnati!

We won City Beat’s reader poll!
Thank you for voting us for Best Acupuncture Practice in Cincinnati! We just want to let you all know how incredibly grateful we are for each and every one of you for allowing us to be part of your healing process.
New Hours beginning May 6
Monday Tuesday Thursday 10-7pm
Saturday 9:30-2 pm
Closed Wednesday, Friday & Sunday
Did You Know Acupuncture Can Help With Allergies?
In Chinese Medicine allergies are an indication that your body is in need of a tune up. Many of us here in the Ohio River Valley suffer year round from allergies and now, with spring upon us, it can get even worse.
As you already may know, many of the most common allergy drugs do not work effectively all the time. But you don’t need to let allergies get you down, there is hope.
A combination of Acupuncture and the right supplementation to support your system can help. Call us today and start on the path to relief.
New Video: What is Qi?
We get asked a lot about what Qi (Chi) is. It seems that there is often an assumption that it is just some sort of mystical, woo-woo sort of thing.
In reality, energy shapes all aspects of our lives and in this video below, we explain to you how.
New Blog Post on Nettle Tea

Check out our latest blog post and video about nettle and how this amazing superfood that grows in your backyard can improve your health.
Click here to read the article!
Upcoming Events:
Healing Exploration: Yoga, Qi Gong, Meditation and Group Acupuncture
Saturday May 4, 6-7:30pm

Click here to learn more about this special event and to register. Space is limited and our last event sold out!
Qi Gong Class in the Park
Beginning Wednesday May 8, we will begin teaching a Qi Gong (Breath, Movement, & Meditation) weekly class at Summit Park around the corner from our office in Blue Ash.
6:30-7:30 pm every Wednesday night. (If the weather looks rainy, we will post alternative arrangements on our facebook page.)
Learn simple exercises for wellness, relaxation, balance, and boosting your energy level!
The class is by donation and all proceeds will go to help sponsor a beautiful local initiative called What Love Does. This program is giving love to people at a time when they could use it most. What Love Does is help to lift the spirits of those going through cancer treatments, along with their caregivers, by offering them a complimentary monthly spa treatment.
We have been so moved by the wonderful message that this initiative is spreading that we also wanted to participate. This is the true essence of What Love Does… It spreads.
Wishing you all radiant health,
Esly & Naomi Caldwell